1-800-914-2510 info@i-and-w.com

Animal Health

Utilize the nutritional properties of fresh or frozen berries or vegetables in an easy to handle concentrated powder that will reduce shipping and handling costs, mix uniformly into formulations, increase flexibility of your production schedule, and naturally extend product shelf life. We offer custom blending of a variety of fruits and vegetables into a single easy to incorporate ingredient.


Seasonal variations, forced air heating, medications and inadequate diet can lead to EFA deficiency in animals, including eczema, dermatitis, and recurrent seasonal pruritus. Our skin and coat conditioners add natural vitamin E, and anti inflammatory essential fatty acids to provide relief for skin irritations while adding shine and softness to irritated coats.


Veterinarians have been recommending EFA supplementation for cats, dogs, horses and other pets for at least the last 10 years. Available in both powder and liquid form our omega supplements can greatly enhance your product line with claims of added LINOLEIC and LINOLENIC ACID, the same Omega fatty acids as from fish oils, but without the unpleasant smell and contaminants (PCB’s, dioxins and heavy metals). The powder Omegas also provide the added benefits of potent anti inflammatory and anti oxidant phytochemicals.


Post performance anti-oxidant and Omega 3 EFA products for horses and other sporting animals based on 100% natural berry seed and skin extracts and oils. Now that’s true innovation.



Why Choose Us


At l&W Research we innovate. Our extra virgin, cold extraction techniques produce the purest oils from fruits, vegetables and other oilseeds. Rich in tocopherols, tocotrienols and omega 3, 6 and 9 essential fatty acids. Our complementary line of fruit extract powders are packed with anti-oxidants, phytonutrients, fibre and complete VEGAN plant protein. Think hemp protein powder, but with an added antioxidant punch! We are also first to offer a full line of Certified Organic fruit oils and extract powders.


At l&W we are changing the way the world does business. From safe raw material sourcing, and trace­ability guarantees, sustainable manufacturing to carbon neutral shipping l&W is committed to the environment. When not using Certified Organic raw materials, we use conventional raw materials grown using Integrated Pest Management - an ecological approach that minimizes the use of pesti­cides and fertilizers.


Our functional food ingredients are produced from berries grown in pristine British Columbia and Northern Quebec, Canada. We work directly with the biggest berry growers and processors to ensure superb quality and guaranteed traceability and consistency in raw material supply. Our stringent testing procedures and processes ensure compliance with the highest international standards. All our products are 100 % GMO-free, and are guaranteed to be free of artificial colors, preservatives and chemicals.

We keep good company

We are certified and affiliated with some of the world’s most trusted organizations.

Reach Us

Mailing Address:

Suite 538 - 1489 Marine Drive,
West Vancouver,
British Columbia,
Canada V7T 1B8


1-800-914-2510 (Canada & USA)

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